Monday, July 6, 2009

7 Tips to Promote Optimism


According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, optimism means a feeling that good things will happen and that something will be successful. How do you generate and promote such a feeling? Here are the 7 tips:

  1. Think of your achievements and success: You may have encountered failures in the past but you do have accumulated achievements and victory. The idea is that you are capable of overcoming obstacles and getting things done. It tells a lot about your abilities and self-worth.

  1. Self-confidence: The thought of your positive contribution to this world will boost your self-image and self-esteem. You will believe in yourself that you can do it and you can achieve success.

  1. Will-power: Be strong and do not allow negative people to disturb your peace of mind. Do not be discouraged by setbacks along the way. They are just lessons to be learnt and you are much wiser as you move on

  1. Care of your body: Your health and fitness will fortify your resolve to be strong and self-assured. Exercise every day to stay calm and work with full concentration.

  1. Positive thinking: When you feel good about yourself you develop a positive mental attitude in you. You look at the bright side of things. You react to every situation with a positive mindset.

  1. Positive emotions Your positive thoughts will inadvertently generate many positive emotions such as happiness, enthusiasm, kindness, hopefulness which are beneficial to your optimistic outlook in life.

  1. Random acts of kindness: Performing random acts of kindness brings warmth and happiness to others and you feel good about yourself because you are able to help others. Your optimism is further boosted because if you can lend a hand to others you can help yourself to greater success.

“An optimist is someone who sees an opportunity in every disaster. A pessimist is someone who sees disaster at every opportunity,” says Sir Winston Churchill.

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