Saturday, July 24, 2010

10 Simple Steps to be successful in Life

Success in life
Be responsible and take charge of your life now. Do not drift aimlessly or let others tell you what to do. You are in full control of your life. Take these ten simple steps to transform your life meaningfully and be successful:

1. Find out your strengths: Identify your interests and passion. Find out what to do to be better than others. It is a smart move to do only things which mean a lot to you. Things that you are interested and good at so that you can sustain your long-term commitment

2. Dream big: Follow your aspiration and inspiration. It is said that when your reach for the moon and if you do not succeed you will still be among the stars. Aim high to achieve more.

3. Map out your journey: It is necessary to break down your long-term goals into yearly plans, monthly objectives, and daily tasks. You can only do so much in a day. Make it manageable so that it is achievable and not stressful

4. Take the first small step: Your first step is a giant step. Take the crucial first step with courage and with no hesitation and procrastination. The most important thing is to keep moving and make it a daily habit to do what is necessary to reach your goals.

5. Be determined: Don’t listen to others who try to pour cold water and discourage you. Be focus by looking at your written goals every day. Go for your dreams no matter what.

6. Be persistent: Be diligent to get things done daily. It is the daily effort that makes your dream a possible dream.

7. Be willing to go for the long-haul: There is no instant success. The only way to be successful is through your blood, sweat, and tears over a long period of time.

8. Be confident: Do not be discouraged by setbacks and defeats. They are just part and parcel of making progress in life. Just learn some valuable lessons from the experience and move on quickly.

9. Be motivated: Look at your daily achievements. Congratulate yourself on getting the most important things done. It is a step closer to your dreams. Carry on and do your best.

10. Be happy: The wonderful thing about happy people is that they are more successful than those who are not. They are cheerful, positive minded. Happiness also promotes good health. Always remember to start a new day with cheerfulness and look at yourself in the mirror with a broad smile.

Life is worth living when there is something to do, something to hope for, and something to achieve.

1 comment:

  1. Good points Charles, for me #1 and #10 are the magic combination. Focusing on something that we are passionate about , that makes us look forward to getting out of bed each morning to pursue - that is a blessing. And starting each day with as positive an attitude as you can. It is difficult to not feel good when you have a smile on your face!


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