Thursday, September 15, 2011

7 Effective Ways to Use Less Technology and Promote Relationships

Use less technology and promote relationships

According to an item in the newspaper, researchers found couples in London were the worst offenders in the country, with 22 percent of people admitting using a computer in bed. Facebook is cited in one in five divorces, according to lawyers, while a survey by website Divorce Online found that the phrase “mobile phone” occurred in one in eight divorces citing unreasonable behavior.

 How do you use less technology to promote better relationships? Here are the top seven effective ways:

1. Use a basic mobile phone instead of a smartphone: A basic mobile phone is all you need to communicate instantly verbally or in text. You do not need extra features like going online to surf, chat, or play games. When you spend less time on your mobile phone you will have more time for real people.

2. Watch less TV: This is another culprit that robs you of your time to spend meaningfully at home with loved ones. It creates laziness and is bad for your health. Can you do away with the idiot box to save your relationships?

3. Visit less social networking sites: To spend less time on Facebook and Twitter is to Tweet less and like less. It means you will have more time offline to socialize and build a real friendship.

4. Less online browsing, chatting, and checking emails: Have an aim in mind when you go online. Do what you need to do and avoid distractions like browsing, chatting, and checking emails. Spending more time interacting with your children to get closer to them is a much more useful thing to do.

5. Few or no online games: Online games can really waste your precious time because it is addicting and draining your energy. Reserve your energy for more productive purposes such as helping with your children with their homework or helping your spouse to do the household chores. These are effective ways to build a happy family and foster closer relationships

6. The right place and right time to use your mobile devices: There are day and night. So, there is a time to indulge in technology and there is a time to build relationships. A balanced life is a way to lead a successful life and sustain harmonious relationships

7. More offline face to face connection and interaction: When you use less of technology you have more time to build lasting relationships with loved ones. Do more real-world networking for mutual benefits instead of spending more time to get connected online. The person with whom you are connecting with may not what he or she claims to be and you are wasting your time.

Related article: 10 Productive Ways to Live a Simple Life with Technology

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