Monday, June 20, 2011

Choose Goodness Be Good


It is our choices... that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
~J. K. Rowling

Life is challenging because it is full of choices. Even if you don’t make a choice, you have chosen not to choose, it is still a choice. The best thing is to choose goodness and be good.

1. Choose positive thoughts: When you think positive, the outlook is bright and sunny. When you think negatively, the future is doom and gloom. Make your choice.

2. Choose positive words: Positive words motivate, enlighten, excite and stimulate you and others. Kind words encourage and lift the mood of the person you speak to. Positive words beget positive results.

3. Choose a positive attitude: Your attitude determines how you react to things and get things done. A positive attitude vibrates enthusiasm and energy in the way you act and do things.

4. Choose to appreciate others: When you are interested in others, you look for the good in them and pay a compliment. You appreciate their strengths and look for what they are good at. You boost their self-esteem and confidence.

5. Choose to appreciate yourself: Love yourself for what you are. The more you love yourself, the more love you will bring to what you do and how you treat others.

6. Choose to be excellent: Always choose to do the best you can and build a trusted brand. You are what you do, seek improvement, and do better.

7. Choose happiness: Happiness is the sum of your positive choices. When you think good, you do good and you will feel good and be happy.

8. Choose responsibility: To choose responsibility is to take control of your own life because you are responsible for all your choices. It’s OK to make a wrong choice because to err is human. Don’t give up, just make another wise choice.

9. Choose hopefulness: There is a Chinese saying: 希望在明天 (xi wang zai ming tian). It means hope is in the future. We always hope for a better tomorrow. Hope is the one and the only thing that keeps us going on in life. Be hopeful.

10. Choose health: Health is the essence of an active and vibrant life. Without health, life is meaningless or like a zombie. Be healthy, alert, calm, and energetic.

11. Choose gratefulness: Think more about what you have got; you will be thankful for your existence.

12. Choose the present: Pay attention and enjoy what you do and immerse in it. Don’t allow the past to restrain what you can do today and the future to worry you.

Our lives are a sum total of the choices we have made. ~Wayne Dyer

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