Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How to be More Productive

Be productive

These successful people have something in common: Michael Sliwinski, editor of Productive! Magazine, Michael Hyatt, CEO of Thomas Nelson, Pat Brans of Master the Moment, Christopher Edgar, author of Inner Productivity: a Mindful Path to Efficiency and Enjoyment, and Leo Babauta, author of Power of less. They are productive and here are the secrets of their productivity:

  1. Learn from others:  One great way is to be humble and learn from others. There is a limit that you can learn from yourself but you can learn a lot more from other people their secrets of success.

  1. To-do list: It does not matter if it is a written list or software such as Nozbe, the most important is that you are on top of things and you are organized.

  1. Be responsive: People will admire and respect your quick responses. Quick action differentiates you and you will be ahead of others. 

  1. A balanced life: For successful and productive people, work ends at 6. There is a time to work and there is a time to be with family. The key is to strike a balance. When you work long hours, your family will suffer and in the end, it will impact your work-life negatively   

  1. Health: The most important thing is to have a sustainable lifestyle. Spending time to look after your health is another aspect of a balanced life. There is a direct correlation between health and productivity. Healthy people are more productive, more energetic and have more stamina and do things quicker.

  1. Focus on the task at hand: To focus is to be present.  It is especially so when you are talking with people. Paying attention is to catch the important details and also to build a relationship. When people sense that you are not listening they will not be interested in you.  It is vital to have written goals so that you can see the big picture, but it is also important to be focused and do the tasks at hand to reach your goals.

  1. Breathing: When you are at work, breathe deeply and slowly. It is an effective way to stay alert and to keep your mind from drifting. It is also good to breathe deeply to counter anxiety, tension, and anger. Working is easier and more fulfilling when you breathe fully and deeply. 

  1. Avoid procrastination: The most important thing is to do what excites you. When you are interested in doing it, you will not put it off.

  1. Enjoy the process:  The key point is to live in the moment and enjoy the process of doing the task at hand step by step with focus and concentration. 

  1. Clutter-free:  A clutter-free workplace, especially your desk, is essential for productivity. You will find only those items that are required to work on the task at hand so that there is no distraction.

Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort

 Paul J. Meyer

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