Friday, September 3, 2010

10 Tips to Get Peace of Mind

Peace of mind

Peace of mind is a state in which your mind is blank and there is nothing to bother you except that you are concentrating on the task at hand. How do you develop such a calm and peaceful state? Here are ten ways to do it:

1. Do Tai Chi: It is a form of meditation in motion. The best time is to do it in the early morning. In order to do it correctly, you need to have full concentration of your mind. The moment you think of something else you will miss a step and you have to do it all over again. The slow and graceful movements of Tai Chi are good training for focus and concentration. Do it regularly to promote calmness and serenity in your mind.

2. Deep breathing: Inhale slowly and deeply right through your abdomen at a count of five and exhale just as slowly at a count of 20. This is an excellent form of exercise to induce peace of mind and calmness. I usually do it in the morning together with Tai Chi to enhance a good feeling in me.

3. Mindful: Work with concentration to promote peace of mind. Mindfulness is a state of flow in which you forget about the passage of time. You just enjoy doing what you are doing in the moment

4. Avoid negative influences: Avoid reading newspapers or TV news with too much negative news. Avoid people with pessimistic outlook in life.

5. A conducive environment: Do your work or meditate at a place without noise and disturbances. The only connection you have is with nature.

6. Avoid negative aspect of things: Don’t hold grudges, forgive and forget to get peace of mind. The thought of revenge will disturb your calmness like throwing stones into a still lake. Don’t regret about things of the past or worry about the future. Don’t envy or feel jealous of others.

7. Exercise: Aerobic exercise such as jogging is a great way to send oxygen to every part of your organs, such as your brain. You get a feeling of well-being and calmness after each session. You will feel cool, calm and collected.

8. Sleep: Your concentration and calmness will suffer if you get insufficient sleep. A good night’s sleep is essential to rejuvenate your body and repair damages done to your body after a hard day's work.

9. Positive emotions: Generate positive emotions such as cheerfulness, optimism, hopefulness to promote calmness and peace of mind.

10. Solve problems: Life is full of problems. Don’t dwell on a problem but find a way to overcome it quickly, if not, your calm mind will be disturbed. Learn to live with a situation in which you cannot change.

According to Remez Sasson, the mind is like a room that is always full with all sorts of stuff. There is no free space there. When it is emptied, it becomes filled with peace of mind.

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