Friday, September 10, 2010

10 Effective and Easy Ways to Remember Getting Things Done

Remember to get things done

There are many ways to remember getting things done. Here are ten simple ways to get things done without committing to your memory and yet they are effective:

1. Write it down: The most effective way to remember things is to write it down. It is not that you need to look at the note. The fact is that the act of writing it down reinforces your memory. You are more likely to remember to do something even without looking at the note. Make it a habit to write it down.

2. To-do list: Do it in the evening for the following day. The list is prioritized according to the importance of each task. You know which one to do first thing in the morning. It is in your shirt pocket and you can refer to it often.

3. Note pads: A note pad next to your phone is essential to take down instructions and act on it. A note pad in your pocket is to jot down something that you suddenly remember you need to do. The most important thing is to write down wonderful ideas that can occur to you from time to time. Another note pad should be in your car for the same reasons. Don’t think that you can remember. Your memory is very elusive

4. Checklist: It is an easy way to check and see if you have missed something undone by looking at the list which is prepared in advance. Do a checklist before you go for a trip or attending a meeting so that you have all the necessary items.

5. Diary: A simple one-page-per-day diary, especially for one-off items to do in the future, should be kept at home. It does not matter when you need to do, but just write ‘Hospital appointment” on the page say, December 15, even though it is now January.

6. Tickler file: This file is divided into 43 sections consisting of 31 days in a month and 12 months in a year. It is very useful for recurring items to be executed on fixed dates. At the end of each month, say September, you will transfer the documents of October into the current month and slot into their respective dates so that action can be taken as and when an item is due. Every morning you will look at the folder for the day to act on the things to do. As soon as an item is done with you will transfer the document into the October section and ready to be used next year. There is no need to remember anything; you just make it a habit to look at the file every morning to do the necessary. It is a very flexible system because at any time you can add new items or remove items no longer relevant.

7. Outstanding job folder: In the office, keep all outstanding work in a special folder so that you can continue to do it in the following day.

8. The usual place for your things: Keep your keys, glasses, mobile phone at their usual places so that you don’t have to try and remember where you have kept them.

9. Meetings, discussions and seminars: Take note of important points and follow up accordingly. Be organized, effective and efficient.

10. Follow-up: You have given instructions or things to do to other people. Just maintain a list so that you can easily follow up and you are in control.

Use your mind only for creative and innovative thinking and put in writing for all other things.

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