Monday, August 23, 2010

30 Great Habits to Adopt Every Day

Great habits

These are some of the wonderful habits to have every day:

In the morning

1. Be an earlier riser.

2. Think of positive thoughts when you wake up.

3. Meditate to be calm, relaxed, and composed.

At work

4. Follow your to-do list.

5. Take the opportunity to walk more often

6. Work smart, work less, be more productive. Follow the 80/20 rule.

7. Be mindful and focus on the task at hand.

8. Take breaks between tasks.

9. Manage and control your own emotions to avoid an outburst of negative feelings.

10. Know the mood of other people and approach them at the right time to get things done.

11. Promise to deliver and deliver as promised

12. Being a trusted brand

13. Be innovative and creative and think of better ways to get things done.

In the evening

14. Do your favorite exercise after work.

15. Talk to your children about school

16. Talk to your spouse about things of mutual concern.

17. Watch less TV and do more household chores.

18. Read a motivational article.

19. Get the to-do list done in the evening for the following day.

20. Count your blessings and be grateful and appreciative.


21. Be happy

22. Follow your passion and interests to realize your dreams

23. Eat less, but more often at regular intervals.

24. Drive with care. Don’t rush. Let the other vehicle go first.

25. Smile and greet people you meet.

26. Do random acts of kindness.

27. Connect and network with the right people.

28. Be interested in other people so that others will be interested in you.

29. Live within your means and be debt-free.

30. Enjoy what you have and be contented.

These habits will bring you more energy, productivity, financial freedom, and happiness in your life.


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