Tuesday, July 27, 2010

7 Tips to Develop Your Intelligence

 Develop Your Intelligence

Intelligence is about understanding, reasoning, planning, and many more. Intelligence is the ability to get things done effectively and efficiently by using available resources, information, and ideas. It is also the ability to solve problems creatively. How do you develop intelligence? Here are the 7 top tips to do so:

1. Read: Read to understand complex ideas and to find out the facts from the information provided. Read with a critical mindset. The more you read the more knowledge you will possess. Knowledge is power, there goes the saying.

2. Learn: Your past experience has made you a much wiser person. However, it is good to carry on learning new things to broaden and feed your mind. The more you learn, the more you know and the more resourceful you will be.

3. Connect: Learn from others, be open-minded, and find out their views on certain subjects. It is interesting to note that others may not share the same view on a subject. Different ideas from others stimulate your thinking. Be aware of current events so that you can talk to others meaningfully.

4. Observe: Seeing is believing. See for yourself how things get done Find out how you can apply what you have observed to your advantage. As an example observe the people in a mall to find out what is the current fashion trend.

5. Research: It is about finding facts and information about a subject that you are deeply interested in. The next thing and the most important thing is to discover new facts and original ideas from the existing sources of information.

6. Write: Writing develops intelligence. Writing implies that before you write you read widely about a subject and do research to look for new ideas. The more you write the more creative and witty you will be in your writing. It means you are able to express an idea differently; it is unique and it is original. Write often and write every day to sharpen your intellectual capacity.

7. Create: Welcome problems. These are opportunities to be resourceful and creative to come up with solutions to solve problems. It is another way to exercise your brain. Problems make you smarter.

According to Art Costa, the author of The School as a Home for the Mind, some of the hallmarks of intelligent people are persistence, the flexibility of thinking, inquisitiveness, curiosity, the enjoyment of problem-solving, using all the senses, ingenuity, originality, insightfulness and creativity. Are you one of them?

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