Monday, May 10, 2010

7 Steps to Start a New Day on the Right Note

Start a New Day on the Right Note

Do you often get up on the wrong side of the bed or do you always start a new day right? Starting a new day right means you have achieved 50% of a successful day. A new day does not start at dawn. It starts the night before. Here are the ways that you can begin a new day happily with zest and confidence.

1. The night before: Have you got the to-do list ready for the following day? Planning ahead puts your mind at ease and you go to bed with a peaceful mind knowing that you have taken care of the tasks for the next day. Sleep early to enjoy the full benefits of a good night’s rest. Your body will be rejuvenated and your system detoxified.

2. An early riser: Sleep early means you will be able to get up early and start a new day to get the right things done in the morning smoothly.

3. What do you say to yourself: Say the right thing and you will act the right way. Say to yourself that you will start a new day with cheerfulness and confidence. Positive emotions vibrate a positive mental attitude and it is the most effective way to commence a new day.

4. Your morning rituals: Avoid the bad habit of puffing a cigarette first thing in the morning when you get up. The first thing in the morning when I get up is to have a glass of water. It is then followed by the usual deep breathing exercise, flexibility exercise, and doing a round of Tai Chi. The morning rituals allow me to start a new day peacefully, calmly, and collected.

5. Breakfast: Do not neglect your breakfast. After fasting for about 8 hours you need nutrition to provide the energy you need to start a new day. As an early riser, you will be able to enjoy your breakfast leisurely.

6. Avoid the newspapers or TV news: The most depressing thing to start a new day is to read the newspapers. The bad news (only the bad news is good news for the newspapers) impacts the mind negatively and zaps the energy in you.

7. Dress to kill: Dressing smartly to boost your confidence and project a positive image is also the right way to start a brand new day

When you have warmed up yourself for a new day you have won 50% of the battle and you will go through the day with the right frame of mind.

1 comment:

  1. I do the Exact opposite of all of these except reading newspapers and watching news I have enough problems without caring about the rest of the world first thing in the morning.


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