Friday, April 2, 2010

10 Happiness Tips – An Appreciation of What You Have Got Out of Life


To be happy just take a moment to find out all that you have got out of life and you will be able to appreciate your abundance.

1. Health: Your health is your wealth. You are active and full of energy. Your mind is fresh, sharp, and focus. Thanks for your robust health.

2. Possessions: You may not be able to have all that you want in life, but you are happy to enjoy what you have – a house, a car, and other finer things in life.

3. Family: Be proud of yourself that you are a husband/wife and a father/mother living together harmoniously under one roof

4. Work: Thank God that you are keeping a job and you are passionate about what you do. You enjoy your work and you do your best

5. Self-worth: Appreciate your talents and your capabilities. Be proud of yourself that you are one of the valued employees in the company.

6. Freedom: You are debt-free and nobody is after you for money. You don’t have to run away from anyone and you enjoy the freedom of movement

7. Positive emotions: Think of gratefulness instead of hatred, cheerfulness instead of anger, zest instead of listlessness, forgiveness instead of resentment. Happiness is in your mind. Happy thoughts lead to more positive emotions

8. Relationships: Be appreciative of your friends who go through thick and thin with you. You share your ups and downs in life with them and you count on them when you needed them.

9. Environment: Be happy to live in a land, such as Malaysia, which is pollution-free, the air is clean and it is far away from natural disasters. Though it is a cosmopolitan country with different races living together. The people are tolerant of each other and live in harmony.

10. Just to be alive: Thank God that you are alive and kicking. You can live a new day the way you want to be and you can be adventurous and try out new things. There is hope to cherish. You laugh and enjoy the moment. Life is at your disposal.

Happiness is counting all your blessings and adopting an attitude of gratitude.

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