Friday, February 26, 2010

Brain fitness – 15 Healthy Habits

Brain fitness – 15 Healthy Habits

Your brain is like the CPU of your PC, the more powerful your CPU, the better is the functionality of your PC. Here are the beneficial habits to adopt so that your brain can perform at its peak:

1. Chew your food slowly: According to an expert in Japan when you chew your food, you increase the blood circulation in your brain and excite the brain’s activities.

2. Go under the sun: A Taiwanese doctor suggests that when you are under the sun you stimulate the growth of brain cells like the growth of your hair. The latest study, conducted at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, found that people were almost three times as likely to have impaired cognition after gloomy weather compared to those in sunny climes.

3. Eat your breakfast: After sleeping for a night your blood sugar is at its lowest level. Take breakfast to restore the blood sugar level to allow your brain to function effectively.

4. Safety belt and crash helmet: To avoid damage to your brain, wear your seatbelt when you are driving and when you are riding a motorcycle wear your crash helmet.

5. Drink more water: 85% of your brain weight consists of water. Insufficient intake of water disrupts the thinking process.

6. Try new things: Do something new every day to excite your short-term memory.

7. Brisk walking: When you are active physically every day your brain will be more alert and function better.

8. Deep breathing: Deep breathing calms your mind so that you can think clearly.

9. Watch less TV: You don’t use your brain when you watch TV. Researchers in Australian have found out that those with better memory watch less than one hour of TV every day.

10. Avoid processed food: Eating too much-processed food upsets brain chemistry. Your brain needs real food – fruits, vegetable nuts, fish, and eggs.

11. Give up smoking: Scientists report that smoking damages and shrinks the brain

12. Avoid polluted environment: A study carried out in Germany on women who had lived at the same address for at least 20 years found those near busy roads were more likely to show signs of mild cognitive impairment, early memory problems that may lead to dementia.

13. Sleep and rest: Our brain is like a piece of machine. It cannot function continuously. Lack of sleep will accelerate the permanent death of brain cells. Taking breaks from time to time is necessary to rest your brain and clear its clutter.

14. Think: This is what your brain is meant for. The more you use it the better it is. Don’t allow your brain to shrink without stimulating thoughts

15. Conversation: Strike an interesting and intellectual conversation with someone often to make your brain function efficiently.

Your brain is like your car, it is meant to be driven and not to be kept at home, use it regularly to maintain your mental sharpness and. nourish your brain for peak performance.

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