Friday, December 11, 2009


  • What distinguishes the majority of men from the few is their ability to act according to their beliefs.
    - Henry Miller

According to a newspaper report, it is possible to get healed by a placebo. A placebo is a dummy pill or a faked treatment with no activity at the physical level that seems to affect the belief system of the patient. That in turn, makes the belief bring about healing responses in the body.

By the same token, Dr. Kenneth Casey, a professor at the University of Michigan, says,” If you’re providing treatment to a patient, it’s important that you really provide them with the expectation that it would work, so that you enhance the effect. If you gave them a drug or any kind of treatment with the attitude, either explicit or implicit, that this might not be effective, it would be much less likely to be effective.”

It illustrates that believing is such a powerful force in our minds. When you believe you can be healed even without actually given treatment, you can achieve success in life when you believe you can.

Napoleon Hill says in his great book, Think & Grow Rich,” What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.”

It’s a wonderful idea to plant positive thoughts in our minds to realize our dreams and goals in life.

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